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First Name : wow
Where Are You From : nyc
Date : 6/2/2007
Comment : WOWOWOWOWOWO meee wananananan

First Name : Jaxx
Where Are You From : USA, Kiev
Date : 12/1/2007
Comment : Good site! Thanks. Kelner loh.

First Name : Rick Cardenas
Where Are You From : New Braunfels, TX, USA
Date : 12/10/2006
Comment : can you get more Oakleys like the ones you sold previously. I want Oakley Jackets the big and old ones I don't care about the color.....

First Name : Jason
Where Are You From : Burlington, VT
Date : 16/9/2006
Comment : Wow. It's been a real pleasure, Christian, reading through your website. Thank you for contacting me!

First Name : kate Noble
Where Are You From : uk
Date : 6/8/2006
Comment : Olly is my daughter: i have to do with a school in Kathmandu called Amrit in Mhepi. Soon I'd like to go out there and make a small promotional film for them. Might you be interested? Advice, actuality. Later i will look through your website carefully. do contact me. best wishes Kate Noble

First Name : Tove
Where Are You From : bsoton (tempted to flee)
Date : 25/4/2006
Website : http://myspace.com/palomaconpaz
Comment : tks for sharing i may not miss a plane - but i am late for work!!!! you email to an hour to devore - fascinating stuff - so i HAD to read on are you wearing timberlands? best, tove

First Name : Rae
Where Are You From : Beverly, MA
Date : 06/01/2006
Comment : Hi. It's been a while, but I thought of you the other day and decided to stop into the site. Be safe. - Rae

First Name : Deb
Where Are You From : Lawrence, Kansas
Date : 23/10/2005
Comment : Hi Adam: Just thought I'd check to see if you'd updated your website recently. Wow! Love the Japan stuff, especially the views of your apartment and the punked-out kids. Hope all is well. Work on your spelling, ok> fercrissakes, you're an ENGLISH TEACHER! :-)
Deb Stavin

First Name : Marc
Where Are You From : Buchenberg/Munich, Germany
Date : 11/09/2005
Website: www.ethnologik.de
Comment : hey chris, lots of news, I have moved to my old hometown. not quite japan, but still an experience, believe me ;-) write you soon. just wanted to let you know, that your page has evolved quite a bit ;-) wonderful! keep it up !

First Name : ravi
Where Are You From : nepal
Date : 16/08/2005
Comment : hey chris just in case this is my new mail add.

Where Are You From : ECUADOR
Website: soon
Date : 21/06/2005
Comment : Wow Chris!!! nice website, and amazing experience for sure!!! I wish you my best. If you need something and I can help, please let me know!

I do hope to hear from you soon, good luck!


First Name : ali
Where Are You From : england
Date : 17/06/2005
Comment : ohio chris! thought i'd check in and see what ur up to......so japan hey!!!i loved japan while i was there. u appear to be staying there longer thou!!!hope u have fun. i'll look out for any of my friends in the photos!!
love ali (from maui)

First Name : Ashish
Where Are You From : Earth
Date : 14/06/2005
Comment : Hey Adam, what's uyp, man? How have you been? How are you finding your new job and life in general in Japan? Things are pretty much the same here, although I'm about to quit my job later this summer and go back to Thailand for a month. And when I get back, I start grad school full time. So lots of changes coming up, an empty wallet, unfortunately amongst them. But also, perhaps, nubile undergraduates, no? :-)
Anyhow, I really enjoyed meeting you and I wish you all the best.

P.S. Stella says hello.
P.P.S. What's the latest on your kids in KTM?

First Name : gaechka
Where Are You From : St-Petersburg, Russia
Date : 02/06/2005
Website: www.couchsurfing.com/gaechka
Comment : Chris, friend! My grrets from St-Petersburg.U know, Iam going to marry soon. Galina

First Name : sierra melcher
Where Are You From : san fracisco, CA, USA
Date : 01/06/2005
Comment : love this site ... and love christian. I am eager to see what you do with this land... i am teaching Japanese history again and i want to know what you have for me... xoxoxo

First Name : jimmy
Where Are You From : bombay
Date : 04/02/2005
Comment : hey bro wazzup man
hows it going how was ur trip to india
me still in bombay if u planing to come to india anytime soon holla back ......

First Name : Stupid
Where Are You From : stupid country ,but don't have a farmer as President
Date : 10/01/2005
Comment : Hey , it seems that you really have a great time in Nepal. Nice to hear that you do some volunteer work , that's what I rally wanted to do in November 2003. Enjoy your time !!

First Name : crystal
Where Are You From : hawaii
Date : 05/01/2005
Comment : found your wonderful website on couchsurfing.com you're an inspiration.  and you've got a great eye for photos as well!  thanks for sharing!!!

First Name : jimmy
Where Are You From : bombay-newyork
Date : 05/01/2005
Comment : dude i like what u have done on ur site well i know u in goa , sry about that nite i was fucked as hell any ways happy new year and mess me when u comin to bombay i8 am here for a few moe\re days aite take cxare let me knw if u need anything

First Name : Galina
Where Are You From : St-Petersburg, Russia
Date : 29/12/2004
Comment : Chris, guy...heyhey what has happend?
we r verry wory about that dam situation in India! Please let us to know, that u r OK!?
be cu& take care  Galina and frinds..

First Name : Josephine
Where Are You From : Chennai
Website: www.joostopreis.nl
Date : 23/11/2004
Comment : Hi Chris!  Looking at our pictures on your website reminds me the fun we had in Tibet!! I have to get my site updated... Hope to hear from you, Josephine

First Name : Isaac
Where Are You From : Los Mochis, Sinaloa, Mexico
Date : 10/11/2004
Comment : Hi, I admire you for your trip. I can´t belive that you are traveling only wiyh your small bag!  I sateyed in France 7 1/2 months and I traveled some in Europe. I returned because I should get my degree but I regret not have stayed more...
I´d like make a trip to Russia. If you have some photos or comments about it, send me please!

First Name : Gerret (Jeff's brother)
Where Are You From : Portsmouth, NH
Date : 07/11/2004
Comment : I'm VERY jealous.

First Name : Galina
Where Are You From : Russia_St-Petersburg
Date : 14/10/2004
Comment : Higuy! A lot of kisses from my mam. Tryed o snd u sms many times , but.. does'not work ;-(( Alena in Italy now. France girl in Pragua, Hammer(russ hippy)is Piter and I am going to East at April'05 for 1 year! Galina

First Name : Antfire
Where Are You From : Boston
Date : 13/08/2004
Comment : i was very bored and checking out who couch surfs in boston, and i was led to your website experiment. ido have to say, that is the coolest thing i've heard of anyone doing in a long while, hope you are havingan amazing time. seeing your route, make sure you getto Hong Kong and have a nice seafood dinner on one of the islands like lama or lan tau, they used to be niceback when my father lived there. don't go to the beaches aruond there tho, they are dangerously polluted. when in australia, you have to go along the queensland coast and check out what's left of the rainforest. you can see many a platypus and perhaps even a cassowary there. go to cape tribulation and then down to the great barrier reef, but not through cairns, going through a smaller town will ensure you get to the cleaner parts of the reef. they let you scuba even if you are not certified. anyway, i am sure you already know what you want to do but i figured i'd throw in my two cents. good luck with your project, it is quite an inspiration!

First Name : Casey
Where Are You From : Couchsurfing.com
Date : 13/08/2004
Comment : ... Nice experiment dude! You'll have to let me know what you've come up with as your journey progresses...  That way I won't have to go out there and find it myself... you'd of already found it for me.. j/k ;-)

First Name : Nick
Where Are You From : Oregon
Date : May 24 2004
Comment (7 Line Limit) : Your Barcelona pictures are fantastic! It was great to get to know you and Victor... a random, yet totally unique and wondeful time. It will stick out in my mind for a long time. Maybe meet up for some more travel at some point? Try Croatia!

First Name : ali
Where Are You From : england/maui
Date : dunno
Comment (7 Line Limit) : hey tg, ur photos are wkd!!u certainly get around. england is miserable.i need ur help planning america travel.

First Name : Marc
Where Are You From : Munich
Date : 06/04/04
Comment (7 Line Limit) : Hey buddy, it is so great to have got to know you. I will remember all our talks and hope, well see each other again... always remember the eingetragene Lebensgemeinschaft ;-) Cheers, Marc

First Name : Loretta
Where Are You From : Ohio
Date : 3/24/04
Comment (7 Line Limit) : My sister and I met you in Maui(two middle aged women)and returned to our mundane lives and the rat race. Enjoy your youth with no strings attached. Wish I could live it all over again! Be careful!

First Name : minh
Where Are You From : Uk
Date : 25/3/04
Comment (7 Line Limit) : hey, guess who am i, how is your trip?, you have not up dated this web site for awhile have not yu? I hope you well and experience the things you set out to do. Ps: you missed the barbi on friday in vegas, it was great. Talk to you soon.

First Name : Ralph
Where Are You From : Video Revolution
Date : 3/09/04
Comment (7 Line Limit) : Hi: I was just looking through my favorites list and there you were. Hope all is well and youre enjoying your odyssey. Ralph

First Name : manchester ralph
Where Are You From : manchester
Date :
Comment (7 Line Limit) : hows it going TG!!!hope ur still enjoying Maui. Just been looking at the website and the Maui pics really good. I take it ur into ministry of sound!!haha. Take it easy.

First Name : Hunter
Where Are You From : West coast U.S. & MEXICO
Date : Feb. 17, 2004
Comment (7 Line Limit) : Wow! I salute your efforts and intentions. What a liberating idea! Have you heard about All Of My Life Is For Sale(book/website)? I imagine there are many who will be envious of you, since their life(styles)may not allow for such freedom.

First Name : Tariq
Where Are You From : www.tariqmusiq.com
Date : 29/01/2004
Comment (7 Line Limit) : I checked out your website and thought what you're doing is cool - from what you wrote there, I know where you're coming from.  I've been starting to find myself feeling that 'stuck' feeling in the city I've been in for eight years, so I'm taking a trip, a short one of 5 weeks, but I think it's a start anyway.

First Name : Mo
Where Are You From : Miami
Date : 1/6/03
Comment (7 Line Limit) : Godspeed! I too will get away.

First Name : connie
Where Are You From : San Diego
Date : Dec. 30 03
Comment (7 Line Limit) : Wow!What an adventure. We moved from San Diego (92) to Austin. Then in 00 we moved to Antigua in the Caribbean. Back to S.D.at end of 01 and now in Austin! My husbands family lives in Tx and I have a 12 yr old.. Traveling is fun, but its exhausting.

First Name : Babs
Where Are You From : I am your mom
Date : 26 Nov 2003
Comment (7 Line Limit) : Gather your cojones and go to a COLD place! Bag that warm-weather wimp-boy nonsense and hie thee to the Orkneys, Newfoundland, Patagonia, Nunavut. THEN youll start to feel some lifeblood circulating! Trust one who knows!

First Name : Traveler
From : the Past
Comment : You go! Pack your bags and head anywhere, in the southern hemisphere. New Zealand and Australia are nice places to visit -- Its summer down under. Its a trip that cant be beat- I did it 10 years ago stayed 2 months, and that was too short. Good luck to y

First Name : Rae
From : Many Visits
Comment : Go to Maui! Live on a beach.

First Name : Anuj
Where are you from :
Comment : Its very cool that you managed to get rid of almost everything on the website in about a month-guess u kinds achieved ur goal...

First Name : Anthony
Where are you from :
Comment : Have fun and good luck on your trip!

First Name : Casie
Where are you from :
Comment : I read the article on your website...Good Luck and God Speed to ya :).

First Name : Beans
Where are you from : Mission Hill
Comment :

First Name : Susan
Where are you from :
Comment : I did this last year. I sold most of it and moved to Hawaii. You are going to be so very glad that you did this! So very glad. What use would a dry-erase board be if you used a permanent marker? When you marry and buy a house, if you do, you will probably

First Name : Chris
Comment : Welcome!!

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